  • 11A-002 生活和艺术的相互交融,欧洲巴洛克与东方文化的相互感动, 感受生活的美,于坚毅中阐述艺术,豪华典雅却不炫耀,在生活中尽享极致。 Blend of life and art, European baroque moved and Oriental culture, feel the beauty of life, the perseverance of art, luxurious and elegant but not showing off, enjoy the best in your life.

  • 11A-003 自由、梦想、个性,没有刻意造作的修饰和约束。 在纯净中体会大气,在简约中体会优雅,享用现代都市人的生活与节奏。 沿袭梦想,成就家族名望与荣誉。 Freedom, dream and personality, not deliberately artificial modification and constraints. Experience in the pure atmosphere, experience in contracted grace, enjoy the modern city life and rhythm. Follow the dream, family fame and honor.

  • 11A-005伊丽莎白 高贵的肌理,质感的细腻, 不仅能与您的门厅和谐搭配,更能与您的成功相辉应,开合间自然流露于您的尊容空间。 用心营造那份“渗透着柔软的灯光,细细品尝着茶点”的感觉,分享家人团圆的快乐! Noble texture,fine and smooth Far more than matching harmoniously with your hall,reflecting your success and exhibiting your dignity and nobility Create the sense heart and soul “tasting tea and pastries in the soft and gentle light”, and enjoy the pleasure from family gathering!

  • 11A-006 在不张扬的空间里,幸福的感觉会在不经意间入眼入心, 让人回味再三,这就是低调的华丽。 简约时尚的设计风格,巧夺天工的制作工艺,使明林门在整体中透出一种大气与豪放。 海纳百川的气度,于平实中见不凡,于内敛中见张扬。 In the space of not make public, the feeling of happiness will come when you least expect them to see into the heart, aftertaste letting a person repeatedly, this is low-key luxuriant. Simple fashion design style, the making craft of wonderful artical excelling nature, make MingLin door a fully in the overall atmosphere and uninhibited. All rivers run into sea tolerance, to see in real, see make public in inside collect.

  • 11A-007 透过一扇门尽情的享受阳光带来的温暖轻松, 随意的造型,使得明亮的空间更温馨。 独特设计的装饰艺术,审美大方,让平凡的生活艺术化。 Through the door fully enjoy the warmth and leisure given by the sunlight Random shape makes the bright space more comfortable. Specially designed decoration art, elegant, adding arts to ordinary life.

  • 11A-009丘比特 跑动的音符,美妙的旋律无处不在的爱的气息, 随处飘散的时尚气质,带走进久违的优雅空间。 It is running note, beautiful melody and love sense everywhere The flying fashionable temperament brings you to the elegant space.

  • 11A-010爱丽丝 温柔如静静流过的河流, 气息如缓缓而过的云翳, 时光打开一扇门,放飞满天的思绪,让游离的心灵无限靠近。 As gentle as a quiet river As soft as a slow nebula Time opens a door, flies the feeling in the sky, and lets the flying soul infinitely approach

  • 11A-011蔷薇园 雅是一种境界、一种口味, 不单是一种色彩,一种超然物外的氛围, 同样可以让置身于灵魂之处…… Elegance is a sort of realm, a kind of taste It is not only a color, but a insular environment Making your body stand on the place of your soul…

  • 11A-012 简约是对浮华的千锤百炼,当这个社会充满了过多的激情和斑斓之时, 简约之美给予了我们心灵上的慰烫,她让古典更温顺, 让我们在朦胧中惬意的享用着建筑的慈爱和守护,简约是对浮华的千锤百炼。 Simplicity is repeated practice of flamboyancy When the society is full of excessive passion The beauty of simplicity comforts our soul and makes the classics gentle It makes us agreeably enjoy the love and guard of building, so simplicity is repeated practice of flamboyancy

  • 11A-015地中海风情 寻求在简洁生活之中举手投足间的舒造, 在乎和谐融洽中特立独行的个性,喜欢干净、脱俗的家居气氛,一点温情、一点优雅... Seeking for comfort in every action in the simple life Caring about the personality in harmony, loving clean and refined living air, with a little warmth, a little elegance…








